Kholodyan Iryna
Speciality: obstetrician-gynecologist, fertility specialist
Qualification, academic degree: doctor of the first qualification grade
Work experience: 14 years
Education: graduated from Danilo Galitsky Lviv Naional Medical University, speciality: “Obstetrics and Gynecology”. She has certificates on the specialities of Colposcopy, Reproductology, as well as that of Parthenology.
Scientific work: she is planning to pass her Ph.D. defense with a scientific study on the topic “The state of reproductive health of women who have recently had their cervix operated “..
Professional experience: she worked in the antenatal department of Lviv city clinical hospital No. 5 for a period of 9 years. In 2009 she started working in the “Neomed” clinic in Kiev.
Membership in professional associations: She is a member of Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM).
Priority areas of work: she is able to perform the full specter of assisted reproductive technologies, the hysterosalpingography method (uterine tubes patency evaluation), performs colposcopy and ultrasonic diagnosis, and is engaged in prenatal care including the IVF pregnancies.