Success rate
Providing care, we strive to meet your expectations and requirements as our IVF success rate is 47-87%.
Revolutionary techniques
We always perfect ourselves, introduce revolutionary treatment techniques, purchase the state-of-the-art high-technology equipment and improve our services.
Examinations and treatment in our clinic are not only the medical procedures, but also the highest possible comfortable and friendly atmosphere created by our team of professionals.
Number of patients
Each year we help tens of thousands of patients from all over the world to become parents and enjoy a full and happy life.
Full range of services
We provide not only treatment of IVF in Ukraine but also all range of psychological and legal support. Over the years we have gained valuable experience and knowledge, and now is one of the leading experts in the treatment of infertility,gynecology and urology in Ukraine.
Team of professionals
Our employees – motivated, bright associates who share the principles of ethical conduct and system of human values. They are the doctors of the highest qualification grade, Candidates and Doctors of Medical Science.
Individual approach
For each couple,ourexperts select an individual treatment plan. They take into account all the needs of patients. The patient always feels comfortable. He also realizes that he is in safe hands.
Reasonable prices
IVF cost in Ukraine is reasonably priced with a high percentage of successful results. In our work we combine the latest technology, competetive prices as well as high medical care standards with individual approach to every patient.
Deal with countries
Professional doctors
%, Success rate
Over the years we have developed a high-quality service system that we provide.
Pregnancy is a special state of a woman, which should be substantially got prepared for. The more healthy are the future parents before the conception, the higher the possibility that the pregnancy is going to be normal, and a healthy child is going to be born. Read more
The infertility problem is urgent not only in Ukraine, but throughout the whole world. According to the statistics, every fifth married couple has infertility problems. More than 50 million pairs of childbearing age have the need for the use of the assisted reproductive technologies methods. Unfortunately, this number increases with each year. Read more
Pregnancy is a special state of a woman, when, beside great happiness of expecting a baby, she also feels great responsibility for the health of now two people. That is because of the fact that in the course of her pregnancy, the foundation for the health of the future child is created. Your health, mood and, to a large extent, the gestation course and the state of your future child, will directly depend upon whether you follow certain rules and professional recommendations and are attentive to yourself. Read more
Modern endoscopic methods allow to perform various gynecological surgeries with minimal intervention. As a rule, the recovery after such surgeries is rather fast and easy: a patient is to stay at hospital for about 24 hours, then the recovery may continue at home. Read more
In case masculine infertility is characterized by lack of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, the invasive spermatozoa obtaining methods are used. They are PESA, TESA and TESE. Read more
Our medical centers provide a wide range of laboratory diagnostics. We analyze the test material using a variety of specialized equipment. We explore the variations in composition and change properties of tissues, body fluids of the patient, and identify pathogens. Read more
Our medical centers provide services in the field of clinical medicine such as urology. Our doctors successfully eliminate clinical manifestations of diseases of the urinary system (men - in the reproductive system) and develop methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Read more
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which is carried out within the programs of IVF or IVF/ICSI, is a way of detection of genetic anomalies of an embryo before its transfer to the uterine cavity. This test allows to prevent the transmission of some hereditary diseases to a future child. Read more
It’s often the case that, after the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF), there are some unused embryos left. They can be preserved for a long time in liquid nitrogen under the temperature of -196°C with the help of cryopreservation, to be used in the future for another IVF. Read more
It is not infrequent when a woman’s own oocytes are deficient or there is a risk of transmitting hereditary diseases to a child. In such cases we recommend using donor oocytes. The donation program can also be recommended to the couples whose attempts at in vitro fertilization haven’t been successful. Read more
Surrogacy is the only way to have a genetically own child for women who don’t have a uterus or who have serious diseases. In the process of this treatment method, the embryo, which has been received after the fertilization of the genetic mother’s oocyte by the genetic father’s spermatozoon, is transferred into the organism of a surrogate mother. For 9 months the surrogate mother bears a child who she doesn’t have any genetic relationship with. The newborn is genetically and legally considered a child of the married couple whose embryo has been transferred to the uterus of the surrogate mother. Read more
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the process of injection of the purified sperm into the uterine cavity. IUI is the infertility treatment mode which is the closest to natural insemination, wherein the interference into the female organism is minimal. Read more
ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is the process of injection of a spermatozoon into an oocyte with the help of a microinstrument. This method has been developed for treating difficult forms of masculine infertility, such as oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia. Read more
We are trying to provide full range of services. That is why our spesialists are ready to answer all your questions via Skype consultation. There is no need to travel if you want to know the doctor and the way of treatment. Read more
What patients say about us?
I liked it very much in your clinic. Many thanks to the doctor Irina Yaroslavovna Kholodyan for a substantial consultation and her understanding!
Madison E. from USA,
I liked the clinic very much, and, which is the most important thing – I’ve got positive results – my long-anticipated pregnancy! My deep gratitude goes to Nataliya Olexandrivna Dankovych, Iryna Yaroslavivna Kholodyan, Ruslan Olexandrovych Bokutchava, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Kotlik, Alla Rybak and Mariya Mohylevska. You won’t find a better clinic and doctors with higher qualification! God bless you all!
Emma T. from Canada,
Every time I visit your clinic I feel great care from doctors and nurses. We’ve known the doctor Iryna Yaroslavivna Kholodyan for a long time. She is a highly qualified professional and a nice person. Respect her and take care of her! I’m sure that each her patient is going to recommend her to other people with similar problems, her being the best doctor of all times and nations. Thank you sincerely once again!
Elena S. from Moldova,
The clinic has excellent personnel, it’s comfortable there and not scary at all. Nataliya Dankovich is a very pleasant and highly qualified doctor. I do believe in his help!
Kind regards, Alexa from USA,
You can feel the nice attitude toward the patients, the staff is sympathetic. I want to especially thank Nataliya Alexandrovna Dankovich, Irina Kirilenko and Olesya Vetrova. I always come to them with great pleasure! After each my visit to your clinic I feel very cheerful and I believe that everything’s gonna be all right. Nurses, girls, take care of your excellent doctor N.A. Dankovich and don’t let her get upset because of some trifles! With great pleasure I invite you to my place! Thank you!
Isabella G. from Turkei,
Thanks a lot to Elmira Shavkatovna Ablyayeva for her understanding, respect and human sympathy. Her professional competence, determination and expertise give hope for positive results. Thanks to the whole staff of the clinic, especially to the nurses Ira and Yulya for their help in conducting 3 procedures. The quiet and friendly atmosphere surrounding the clinic, created by its director Nataliya Alexandrovna Dankovich, helps all the patients to feel at home. We hope to get positive results – we would like to return to you with a new member of our family!
With respect and gratitude, Donatos and Alyona from Lithuania,
Twelve years of unsuccessful attempts have brought me to your clinic. And here, thanks to the efforts of N.A. Dankovich and her assistants, I saw on the display of the ultrasonographic scanner today the beating of my little baby daughter’s heart! Many thanks to you!
Patient of the clinic from Belgium,
I went to the clinic with a problem of metrofibroma a little more than a month ago. After the necessary examinations and analyses I underwent a laparoscopy procedure. The surgery was held brilliantly. All the doctors are the highest-level professionals. I haven’t seen such care and attention in any other clinic before. The clinic has the state-of-the-art equipment, and its cleanness and sterility is just incredible! Many thanks to everybody who participated in my treatment, from nurses and laboratory assistants to the director of the clinic, N.A. Dankovich, herself. She is a really amazing person! Good luck to you and your clinic!
Tehila N. from Israel,
We want to say many THANKS to the doctor Kotlik V.V. and to the whole personnel of the left-bank clinic for their golden hands and understanding heart!!! We had our first consultation with him on March 31, now it’s June 10, and the result is 8 weeks of pregnancy, we’ve got twins at our first try, and that’s with me having only one ovary!
Gabriella F. from Spain,
Good afternoon! Our family thanks the doctor of the clinic Kotlik V.V. for his help and treatment, which resulted in the birth of our little daughter. We wish success and further prosperity to you and your clinic!
Helen D. from England,

Partnership seminar organized by the largest Spanish network of clinics IVF – IVI)
- Posted by IVF
- On 23.04.2021
In July 2014 doctors from “Mother and Child” visited the partnership seminar organized by the largest Spanish network of clinics IVF –...

Medical center «Mother and child» took part in second IMTEC 2014
- Posted by IVF
- On 23.04.2021
On March, 5-6 medical center «Mother and child» took part in second INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL TRAVEL EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE (IMTEC 2014), that was...

Scientific-Practical Conference “Effective ART clinic: fruitful collaboration of experts”
- Posted by IVF
- On 26.03.2021
March 14-15 2015, doctors of MC “Mother and Child” took part in the Scientific-Practical Conference “Effective ART clinic: fruitful collaboration of exp